Community Ancestor Circle April 6, 2025
Community Ancestor Circle April 6, 2025
On Sunday, April 6, 2025, from 1:30 - 3 PM EDT, I invite you to take a journey with the ancestors. There will be two guided drop-ins and time for journaling and Q and A. Theme, TBA. This special offering is open to people who have previously worked with a certified Ancestral Lineage Practitioner in the Ancestral Medicine network and have at least one ancestral guide.
I’m offering a tiered fee structure. Supporter - $45 (for those who want to support me in making this work accessible to others), Sustainer - $30 (the actual cost of the work), and $15 (for those financially challenged).
Ancestral Lineage Healing
What is Ancestral Lineage Healing?
Ancestral Lineage Healing, as developed by Dr. Daniel Foor of Ancestral Medicine, is a safe ritual approach that supports you in coming into direct relationship with your ancestors for personal, family, and communal healing. This isn’t mediumship, channeling, or a psychic reading. It’s a process of developing a direct connection with ancestral guides. By healing the unwell dead, you ease the burden of intergenerational trauma, and create a clear pathway for receiving the blessings of your wise and well ancestors.
Practices of ancestor reverence were once found amongst almost every culture across the globe. Many of these traditions were lost as a result of colonization, religious movements, and the destruction of indigenous cultures. In most cases, hundreds, if not thousands of years have passed since ancestor reverence (beyond funeral rites) was a part of daily life. We don’t have to look very far to see the results of this neglect. It manifests in a feeling of disconnection from our families and a sense of not belonging to world around us, not understanding our purpose, and a lack of respect for and connection to nature. This work is a way of healing the disconnect between the living and the dead. This work is decolonizing as it restores right relationship between you and your people, helping you repair and revive the direct connection that your ancestors previously enjoyed with the ones who came before them.
These principles form the foundation of this method of Ancestral Lineage Repair:
Consciousness continues after death.
Not all of the dead are equally well.
The living and dead can communicate.
The living and the dead can strongly impact each other.
The dead can change.
Why do Ancestral Lineage Healing?
To have the support of your well and wise ancestors in cultivating the life you desire.
To establish a connection with the sacred that rests in your own roots.
To heal personal, family, and cultural wounds.
To resolve trouble with the unwell dead and remove any undesirable influence upon you and your family.
To ensure that those family members who did not die well are able to successfully transition to the realm of the ancestors
To ensure that loved ones have an easeful transition to the realm of the ancestors, or to prepare for your own death.
To cultivate an ongoing relationship and practice of ancestral reverence that enables you to receive ongoing guidance and healing from your own people without an intermediary.
Ancestral lineage healing is available to everyone. You don’t have to know anything about genealogy or where your ancestors came from. Adopted people and those estranged from their birth families will also find the work accessible. The process does not require any sort of remediation with living family members. Although, the healing of relationships can happen as a result of the work.
I know from my own experience that deep healing and a profound sense of belonging and connection are possible through this work. Developing a direct line of contact with your wise and well ancestors in a ritually safe way can be deeply empowering. All of us are down-lineage from ancestral troubles and burdens. Through this repair work, the once troubled dead become fully ancestralized, easing the burden for their descendants, allowing them access to the gifts that are their birthright which, in turn, allows for the embodiment of those blessings in the world.
Initial Session - 90 minutes
Supporter $175 Sustainer $150
Sliding Scale $60 - $125
Follow-up Sessions - 60 minutes
Supporter $145 Sustainer $120
Sliding Scale $60 - $100
Initial Session + One Follow-up
Supporter $270 Sustainer $230
Package of Three Follow-up Sessions
Supporter $355 Sustainer $305
I suggest committing to a minimum of two sessions to get started with the work. You can proceed at your own pace as this work is not based upon a colonizing/capitalist/patriarchal model of achievement. I offer a free, 15 minute Zoom to explore whether this work is for you.
To make the work accessible to the financially disadvantaged, I offer Ancestral Lineage Healing on a tiered pricing model. Please consider paying as much as you can afford to help fund sessions for those negatively impacted by class and economic injustice due to race, gender, ability, privilege, sexuality, and the myriad of identities we all hold. The graphic below from left to right illustrates Supporter, Sustainer, and Sliding Scale. Sliding Scale appointments are limited and rely on community support. Contact me to book sliding scale appointments and purchase packages.
Ritual Healing Support
Spirit-collaborative, ritual work designed to meet your individual needs.
Can you ride the waves of change? Or does everything feel like a struggle? Astrology can’t change the circumstances of your life, but it can provide you with a cosmic snapshot detailing the support and challenges that planetary alignments provide during a specified window of time. When you know what the planets are giving, you can plot a course of responsiveness that utilizes the blessings and mitigates the burdens presented. This 60 minute conversation is a deep dive into your unique astrological makeup and how the current movements of the planets bless and challenge you to grow. Contact to schedule.
$165 for 60 minutes
Divination is a full-on immersion into dialogue with the spirits to receive guidance and inspiration. From practical Q & A on life issues, to spiritual direction, to understanding the archetypal role inherited from a healed ancestral lineage, divination can shine a light on your path. Contact me to determine which consult is right for you.
Q & A
You ask questions and the spirits offer insight on practical concerns.
$105 - $175
Ancestor Archetypes
Dive into a healed ancestral lineage to explore the archetypal role that you inherited. Do you want to more fully embody it? Or change the narrative? This consult includes divination, a drop-in with the lineage of choice, prescrbe ritual and dialogue. It’s deeply empowering work that can be very light, but also very edgy. It’s not for the faint of heart.