About Me
The stars, spirits, ancestors, and other-than-human beings are always speaking to us. For more than 30 years, I’ve used divination and astrology to help clients to connect with wise and well beings to receive the guidance and inspiration that helps them to uncover and align with their destiny. I also guide corporations in the fashion, media, entertainment, and luxury retail industries in plotting their next steps. In 2022, I became a Certified Ancestral Lineage Healing Practitioner in the method taught by Ancestral Medicine. Since 2021, I’ve served as a mentor and supporter for Shannon Willis’ Psychopomp Practitioner training. I’m currently enrolled in Tara Mandala’s Feeding Your Demons Certification program. I love helping people to re-member their relationships with their wise and well ancestors and cultivate a personalized practice of ancestral reverence that heals and sustains the living and the dead. I welcome clients of all ethnicities, races, religions, sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions. I love mantra and chanting, and have a 30+ year spiritual practice based in Kashmir Shaivism. I’m a horoscope writer who has written for several magazines and websites. I’m a textile artist and the author of Yarnplay and Yarnplay at Home. I hold craft as a spiritual practice. I’m a descendant of enslaved peoples from Nigeria, Benin, and Cameroon, and colonizing settlers and immigrants from England, Germany, and Sweden..
Teachers, Influences, and Inspirations
Dr. Ali A. Alomi, Dorje Lopön Chandra Easton, Tricia Hersey, Lama Rod Owens, and Shannon Willis
Obsessions and Passions
Craft, decorative arts, dogs, film, fine arts, learning languages, Haruki Murakami, Kate Bush, Nick Cave (the artist), Nick Cave (the musician), Saori weaving, tapestry weaving, textiles, wine, word games.